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会议征稿 | ETLL 2024

信息来源: 发布日期:2024-07-08

Call for paper

26 November - 28 November, 2024, Shanghai, China

The 7th International Workshop on
Educational Technology for Language Learning
(ETLL 2024)

With the rapid development of information technology, educational technology has almost become indispensible for language and translation learning ranging from tr-aditional multimedia tools to modern VR and MR equipment. Educational technology   is the use of both physical hardware and educational theoretics. It encompasses several domains including learning theory, computer-based training, online learning, and where mobile technologies are used, m-learning. Both theory and application researches are i-mportant for language and translation proficiency improvement of various learners. Therefore, this workshop aims at serving as a meeting point for researchers, educationist a-nd practitioners to discuss state-of-the-art and in-progress researches, exchange ideas a-nd share experiences about educational technology for language and translation learnin-g from the perspectives of both theory and application. We hope that the implications of findings of each work presented in this workshop can be used to improve the develop-ment of language and translation educational environments.

Workshop Topics (but not limited)

· Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Language Teaching and Learning

· AI and LLM(Large Language Model) in Language Learning

· AIGC and Language Teaching and Learning

· Deep Learning Application in Language Teaching and Learning

· Machine Learning and Language Teaching and Learning

· Big Data and Data privacy in Language Teaching and Learning

· Online Video Based Language Teaching and Learning

· Application of VR and MR in Language Teaching and Learning

· Game-based Language Learning and Translation Training

· Collaborative Technology Supported Language Learning

· E-Learning Platforms and Tools for Language Teaching and Learning

· Mobile, Situated and Blended Learning of Languages

· Digital Libraries and Corpora for Language Learning and Translation Training

· Technology Supported Assessment for Language Teaching and Learning

Paper Reviewing and Selection Process 

Each paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers from the workshop chairs and program committee members. Reviewers are selected based on their familiarity with the topics. Necessary procedures are to be carried out to avoid potential conflicts of interests during the review process, and review reports from the reviewers will be returned to the authors anonymously. In unusual cases, such as when an external reviewer fails to deliver a review on time, PC chairs will invite other reviewers who have sufficient expertise but are not among the program committee members. In those cases, at least two PC chairs will examine the review comments to ensure the quality of the review. Accepted papers will be selected based on the mean scores given by reviewers.

As part of the International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education (SETE) 2024, all accepted papers of this workshop will be included in the SETE Proceedings, which will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). LNCS volumes are indexed in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Scopus, EI Compendex, DBLP, etc.

Important Dates

Full paper submission: Nov. 5th, 2024

Notification of acceptance: Nov. 25th, 2024

Camera-ready submission: Nov. 30th, 2024

Author Registration: Dec. 10th, 2024

Conference in Shanghai, China, 18 December - 20 December, 2024

Paper Formatting

Please follow the instructions for LNCS authors.

Also authors should comply with Springer’s authors'code of-conduct.

Paper Submission

Paper submission system is available at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=etll2024

Submission Rules and Guidelines

Submissions must not exceed 15 pages in LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)  format. We encourage authors to cite related work comprehensively, and when citing c-onference papers please also consider to cite their extended journal versions if applicab-le.

All submissions must be in PDF format. Authors should avoid the use of non-English   fonts to avoid problems with printing and viewing the submissions. All accepted paper-s MUST follow strictly the instructions for LNCS Authors. Springer's LNCS site offers style files and information.

There are two tracks for the workshop:

Full Papers: 12-15 pages

Short Papers: 6-11 pages

The page number includes main content and references. Extra pages will have a cost of 100 AUD.

Submissions must not have been published previously and must not be under review for publication while being considered for ETLL. This applies also to papers with signific-antly overlapping contributions. Authors are advised to interpret these limitations strict-ly and to contact the PC chairs in case of doubt.

ETLL submissions are reviewed following the single blind review process, meaning, y-ou do not need to hide authors' names and affiliations.

Each accepted paper must be accompanied by at least one full registration regardless of the status of the registering author, and an author must present the paper at the confere-nce. Otherwise, the paper will be removed from the proceedings and LNCS digital libr-ary.

The registration information can be found on the conference page of SETE.


Laboratory of Language and Artificial Intelligence, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies


All questions about submissions should be emailed to yyrgzn@gdufs.edu.cn

TEL: 020-86318925

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